About the Igala Carnival

For several reasons, the IGALA CARNIVAL  became necessary out of the desire to reinvent the CULTURE and VALUES which was almost going into extinct due mainly to urbanization and westernization of ideas curiously affecting the lifestyle of our people.

Mass exodus to urban centres and globalization became the fad in modern times and if not quickly addressed may lead to total annihilation of a tribe climbing up the ladder as the 7th most spoken language in Nigeria.

Using the carnival to foster the positive values of the IGALA NATION became a rallying point for all to unify, maintain the status quo and improve on communications using arts and culture.

It began with a teaser as mere festival until it blossomed into a carnival like atmosphere with so many side attractions reminiscent of the early life we lived and banters we share as an insignia. It has however become organic because expectations are usually high among fans,  and  the icing on the cake is when the much anticipated  masquerade appears; it is so revered by the IGALA nation seeing it as a form of deity.

All attendees are feted with variety of cuisine and takeaways and beverages of all kinds are seen on popular stands.

From the first edition down the years, every carnival leaves behind footprints signifying success that comes through hard work, determination, sacrifice and belief that we are great and very resilient people.

The carnival has been attracting individual donors and corporate Nigeria taking turns to identify with the event using it as a platform to market and share their products to the over 10,000 guests attending each event. Participation increases every year all thanks to media and publicity.

This seventh edition promises to be more clinical and electrifying going by the word of the Chief Convener and the team saying, " it is going to resonate positive energy going by line up of activities including lectures on menace of drugs abuse, beauty pageant, dancing competition,  marathon race, football, volleyball, game shows, free airtime worth over a hundred thousand, branded wrists bands and wristwatches, purchase of items at 50 percent discount, tourism and royal visits and musical shows.

 It climax into the night for an all night partying for our very important guests.

Hotels are available for guest right from the state capital to the interior to ignite the show which kicks of with a marathon race as early as 0600 am, terminating at the stadium after over 20kms coverage.

The Igala Carnival is always branded “THE BIGGEST CARNIVAL” in NORTH CENTRAL NIGERIA due to its size and capacity drawing comparisons with other key festivals observed in other parts of the country.

Come, See, Buy and Enjoy the full ambience of a people bonded together by love and culture. 

Welcome to the 7th Edition


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